Life Spiral - A new life post INSEAD !

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ho finito un anno in Italia.

Io ho finito un anno in Italia. Adesso non-parlo molto Italiano pero e un buono tiempo per communiciare il mio Italiano con questo blog. Chi puo dire? lol. Io penso che ho imparato mai. Pero proviamo.

Il mio anno sono andato uneventful. Il mia vita e in una grande-fili di bureaucrazia. Io ho una bella casa, una bella machina e una bella moglie. (non che niente un anno fa). Pero non ho "peace of mind". Non lo so perche. La bella vita esterno non e buono per una bella vita interno.

Ok jokes apart let me try blogging once in English...

I have spent a year. Here is a review of the year that passed. What has changed.

I have a new house, car, and a wife. That is nice. Am not sure if any of that brings me peace. But it is all there. The stress of working here and the bureaucracy at times is extremely overwhelming. (well when I had to face the french - who happen certainly to be better than Italians). I love the warmth the people here hold in their hearts and how everything is extremely emotional (just like me), I feel right at home in this place. My dress sense has changed marginally (and I still am the worst dressed at work by far) but enough for non-Italians like my family to take notice. I enjoy the food more than any other food type I know.

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