Life Spiral - A new life post INSEAD !

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Drunk Drunk Drunk !

Hello All - I got drunk drunk drunk last night ! I was at a dinner with 59 italians all speaking Italian, so I decided to speak the INSEAD global language that works like a clock :). Well to be fair, I am starting to cherish the company of a great Italian friend who does not happen to work for Fiat but I know from INSEAD. He still calls me by the first half of my last name after knowing me for a month and a half and is one of the 5 nicest italians I have ever met. Ok, I am digressing as always with my rambling. Now back to the weekend.

Friday night we had a work party and I ended up seeing a lot more diversity than I can handle. The women outnumbered men in the party and I met a couple of interesting ones (French, German and Italian) but none to scare Ms. Fiancee who seems to be clicking from a unique geography (finally) around here :). (That clustermap has got me addicted). But that evening was fun. Had a few vodkas and had a very sociable evening and ended in bed. That was friday.

Saturday night had to be different. I ended up at the birthday party of three italian friends (college friends of "the" INSEAD friend) in a very very very italian place. We went to Bagna e Caoda. If you know that place, you probably know me as the ONLY "non-italian" that ever went there and got drunk on a couple of bottles of wine in a "Competition". Well the place had this spicy food I kind of enjoyed and oranges that I looooooved and finally wine that I kept drinking. I did not realize how strong the wine was until I first went to the bathroom about 2 hours into the long dinner. But the 80 house bottles finished and me and a newfound friend (who spoke no english and wine was our language of choice) ended up finishing EVERY half bottle on every TABLE in the small and cozy restaurant. (talk about politeness). Result? - Well I puked all around the restaurant, all around the "Residence" I am staying in and all around my room. Well I am cleaning most of the damage to the room myself today and don't have any hang-over because of the overeating.

I think I still feel a sense of the wine in my throat but no hangover ! Ciao people !


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